Fall 2017 Course: MIT MAS.S62 Depolarization by Design

The purpose of this seminar is to explore the various human and technological factors that are contributing to polarization and isolation in order to design new media technologies that can help us map, surface, and bridge tribes.


In an era of growing polarization and plummeting trust in democratic institutions and fellow citizens, America is increasingly a nation of isolated factions or socio-political “tribes.”  To depolarize society and build trust, we believe constructive steps include a) map and track tribes and seek to understand factors that are driving shifts, b) surface voices, concerns and narratives typically unheard outside of their own communities c) bridge tribes by amplifying common concerns, sharing stories that build empathy, and making new connections between people to build trust and common ground.

The purpose of this seminar is to explore the various human and technological factors that are contributing to polarization and isolation in order to design new media technologies that can help us map, surface, and bridge tribes.

Instructor and TA